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On the Road to Professional


Uniting in Growth and Continuous Improvement 

Our hosts are experts in their fields and are ready to help you! 

From Avanti colleagues across the country, to influential experts in the world of education...

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We are proud to consider the experts that join us as colleagues who inspire us in our educational approaches and keep us updated on latest educational reforms. 

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Professional Development has great potential, but it also comes with costs. We know that teachers engage in professional development activities whilst balancing multiple and, at times, competing commitments and time pressures. The need is clear, therefore, for PD to be well‑designed, selected, and implemented so that the investment is justified.
Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) October 2021

Elevating Teaching Excellence:
Our Approach to Effective Professional Development

CPD helps people retain a consistent set of high quality, relevant skills and knowledge throughout their professional life.


Last year, we created 7 Avanti Pathways for our Teaching staff and Classroom Support Staff. Avanti staff will signed up for a Pathway based on either school focus areas, department interests or individual aspirations. Throughout the year, there were opportunities to learn and develop on this chosen pathway. External content from experts in their field ensured that we remain outward facing and stay abreast of topical educational developments and engage with quality evidenced-based research.


We listened attentively to feedback linked to the structure and delivery of CPD over the past year and are proud that we are evolving at every available opportunity. Staff feedback is very important to us and has shaped our development so far.


This year…….

Empowering our educators with a foundation rooted in cognitive science and evidence-informed practice, the Avanti Learning and Teaching Framework is our compass for classroom excellence. It crystallizes Avanti’s pedagogical essence, guiding staff to recognise their strengths and foster growth in others. Through a shared language, we clarify expectations, amplify cross-trust expertise and consistently nurture professional development using the framework’s coaching model. This collective approach fosters collaboration and sharing of best practices. Designed for scalability, from individual teachers to entire schools, this adaptable framework thrives within diverse contexts, uniting our pursuit of exceptional education.


This year, there is one Pathway for all:


The Avanti Teacher Toolkit

"Time, reflection and personal discovery: the catalysts of transformative professional development for all."

Avanti 2023

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Our CPD Pathway

Professional Learning Partners

Professional Learning 


cpd pathay

The Great Teaching Toolkit Evidence Review

​The Great Teaching Toolkit Evidence Review, (Evidence Based Education 2020), “Reviewed existing research studies and frameworks that are relevant to the components and routes to improvement of teacher effectiveness,” (Coe, 2020). It aimed to identify the ‘best bets’ for teachers to invest time and effort in for pupils to learn more.


The report summarised four priorities for teachers to focus on:

1. Understanding the content

2. Creating a supportive environment

3. Maximising opportunity to learn

4. Activating hard thinking


These four priorities have informed the Avanti Learning and Teaching Framework, alongside Rosenshine’s Principles and have led to the development of the Avanti Teacher Toolkit.

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Part of the Avanti

Schools Trust 

Avanti Institute is part of the Avanti Schools Trust Avanti Schools Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England & Wales
Registered No: 07506598 • Registered Office: Avanti Schools Trust, Wemborough Road, Stanmore, HA7 2EQ
Copyright © 2023 Avanti Schools Trust. All Rights Reserved.

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